2010: An Ale Odyssey
The 2010 California Morris Ale

Presented by Rising Phoenix Morris

Home Site Register Details Dances History Contact Us


The fee schedule is as follows (fees are based on when monies are received):
  • $140 if paid by February 28, 2010
  • $150 if paid in March, 2010
  • $160 after March 31, if we have room
  • Children 5 and older pay full price; under 5 are free
Click on the icon to download the registration instructions and form as an  Adobe file

The hardcopy registration form is intended for individual information, but you can certainly register an entire team as long as the information for all team members is included.  Either way, make sure to include team information on the registration form.

There are two ways to register:

Take the prepared information, and send it with fees (checks mad out to Rising Phoenix Morris) to Nora Jesch, 830 East Tularosa Avenue, Orange, CA 92866.

Price includes lodging, transportation, and mealsMore specifically:

At registration time, you can also include food preferences, transportation requests, preorders for merchandise.

Got questions, or left something off your registrations?  No problem - just contact us

We reserve the right to deny admittance to anyone

An Ale Odyssey - Online registration form

Team Name (or enter None) 
Attendee's Name
Badge Name (if other than 1st Name)
Contact email
Contact phone
Dietary considerations
Transportation assistance needed
   If yes, when and where
Yes  No

Age range
   Responsible party on site for dependable minor
Legal adult  Dependant child  Infant  Dependable minor

Interested in Friday workshops Yes  No
Interested in Friday dinner Yes  No
Interested in T-Shirt
 (probable cost $18)
Yes  No
If yes, quantity & size(s): 
Anything else we need to know about you or your team?

Payment amount
(see fees at top) 

$   Check number: #

Need more info?  Ask HAL
Visit us here at http://TheCaliforniaAle.info/2010