99¢ S'Ale
The 2013 California Morris Ale

Presented by MAD MOLLY
Home Site Register Details Dances Attendees History Contact Us

Store Staff
Department Name Duties Personal motto
Retail Outlet Manager Amy Camp, tours, entertainment "Stagecoach! Stagecoach! Stagecoach!"
Office Supply Manager Stewart Beer, buses, beer, mass dances, beer, merchandise, beer "We'll always have Staples."
Online & Mail Order Manager Kaela Registration, bag ma'am "No tipping please."
Shipping Manager Rita Transportation coordinator "Planes, trains, and automobiles..."
Customer Satisfaction Manager Elizabeth Beer wrangler "Let us now praise famous dancers."
Muzak Program Manager Hal Lead musician "Keep calm and morris on."
Store Layout and Design Manager Susan Decorations design and production "I love to do this stuff."
Floor Manager Audene Decorating and display "Carpe saltatus."
Health & Safety Manager Suzanne Doctor on site "There is no quote like a good quote."
Web Site Manager Ric Web site "No one is home to receive your call."

Emergency mobile numbers: Kaela 650-283-9529, Amy 408-663-3487

You can contact us online regarding or about the .

Need more info?
Visit us here at http://TheCaliforniaAle.info/2013