How to register:
- Download/print the registration document
and manually fill out the information on the printed copy.
- Fill out the online form below for each individual.
Use the "Print a copy" button to print out a completed copy of your
registration information. Use the "Commit Me!" button to send both
us and yourself an email copy of the registration information.
- then -
- Take the prepared information, and send it with fees (checks made
payable to Rising Phoenix Morris) to Terry Hill, POB 1890, Burbank,
CA 91507-1890.
Fee Schedule
- based on when monies are received:
- Leap Discount: $160 if paid February 1st to 29th
at 3:14 am
A very few private cabins at $185
- March Hare Price: $165.16 if paid March 1st to 31st
- April Fool's Price: $177.92 if paid April 1st to
April 21st
- Fool RETAIL: $199.99 (exact change only) if paid April 22nd
or at the door
- Children: $110 for children 5 and over (under 4 are free, but
still must be registered!)