A Wabbit's T'Ale

(The 2005 California Morris Ale)

Duck Season! Wabbit Season! Duck Season! Wabbit Season!......
Wabbit Season! Duck Season! Wabbit Season! Duck Season!....... BLAM!

A collaborative effort by Faultline Morris, FFL Morris, and White Rats Morris

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Mass Dances and Workshop Notes - Froggy's First Jump

Style: Ducklington
Tune: “Froggy’s First Jump

This dance was written by Paul Handford, foreman of Thames Valley International.

The tune comes from Froggy's First Jump by the Albion Band, on their Shuffle Off album.  (Note: the figures performed in the SF Bay area differ from the original.)

Foreman's Notes:  Sets of as many as can (it's been danced with sets of over 15 pairs of dancers), long sticks, left-footed In almost all cases, each forry caper turns the dancer 90 degrees CCW (left) and the next another 90 degrees CCW.

Musician's Notes:  Completely drop out during both sticking parts of last chorus.

A: for naught

A: Foot-up-and-down

Double up, double in place, two forry capers turning out to face down, Double down, double in place, two forry capers turning out to face across the set.

B: Chorus

Face across. Clash twice forehand (FH) to left, once backhand (BH) with partner, pause (pull stick to chest, some people shout "UGH!" here). Twice BH to right, once FH with partner, pause. Twice FH to left, BH, FH with partner; twice BH to right; once FH with partner, pause. Four slow singles across, passing R shoulders, two forry capers into line with a clash on the last beat. REPEAT

A: Crossovers

Dance two doubles past partner, passing right shoulders.  Two forry capers CCW and back towards partner to clash. Repeat, capering CCW again.

B: Chorus

A: Baskets

Hold stick in R pointed at partner's feet, touch partner's stick with yours. Dance two doubles around each other back to place, two forry capers CCW, turn to face partner, clash. REPEAT

B: Chorus

A: Rounds

Usual half rounds. Circle half way CW, two forry capers with a shout on the second, circle back CCW to place, two more forry capers to end in line, clash on last beat.

B: Chorus

- Shout "QUACK!" instead of "UGH!"

Need more info? 
Visit us here at http://TheCaliforniaAle.info/2005 or http://www.wabbits-tale.org