The 2009 California Morris Ale

Presented by Seabright Morris and Sword

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Mass Dances : Buffoon

Buffoon (Adderbury)

Standard hanky motions (down, around, down, flick up)
One double step forward, one in place,
2 single steps back, and
2 plain capers ending each half figure


Once to Yourself, standing until 2 capers
Foot Up and Up
Chorus (clapping)
Hands Around (clasp right hands, clasp left hands)
Chorus (shoulders)
Process Down (first 1 & 2, then 1 & 2, 3 & 4)
Chorus (faces)
Process Up (first 5 & 6, then 5 & 6, 3 & 4)
Chorus (noses)
Adderbury hey (tops and middles pass R shoulder, bottoms pass L shoulder, face for 2 capers; repeat)
Chorus (hats)


The chorus is a ridiculous portrayal of escalating assault.  Actual contact is only recommended for the clapping, the other assaults are safest if stunt-acted.

Partners clap R hands, twice
Partners clap L hands, twice
Partners clap R hands
Partners clap L hands
Clap both hands of partner twice and push apart after second

Push partner's L shoulder with R hand, twice
Push partner's R shoulder with L hand, twice
Push partner's L shoulder with R hand
Push partner's R shoulder with L hand
Clap both hands of partner twice and push apart after second

Push partner's L cheek with R hand, twice
Push partner's R cheek with L hand, twice
Push partner's L cheek with R hand
Push partner's R cheek with L hand
Clap both hands of partner twice and push apart after second

Honk partner's nose with R hand, twice
Honk partner's nose with L hand, twice
Honk partner's nose with R hand
Honk partner's nose with L hand
Clap both hands of partner twice and push apart after second

Doff own hat with R hand, twice
Doff own hat with L hand, twice
Doff own had with R hand
Doff own had with L hand
Clasp R hands together, raise them up, lower them, bowing down to allow hat to fall off

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