The 2014 California Morris Ale

Presented by Rising Phoenix Morris
Home Site Register Details Merchandise Dances Attendees History Contact Us


Here's everything you need to be a consulting detective (at the ale):

Upon arrival each team will be presented with a set of clues to a mystery. Towards the end of the feast Saturday night each team will be asked to present their findings for their mystery, including the victim, motive, means, opportunity, and proof.

We will have craft beers and cider. The camp will provide sodas for lunch and we will have some water on the tours. You may want to bring a refillable water bottle. Any booze other than the above is BYO. Those of you bringing anyone under the age of 21 will be responsible for their not drinking any alcohol and personally liable for any consequences if they do drink any.

There is a wonderful seafood dive on the corner of PCH and the street leading to the camp called Neptune’s Net (your land mark for that turn anyway).  As far as we know they close around 7 or 8 in the evening. We will have dinner available between about 6 & 8 in the evening on Friday for a suggested donation of $8.00 per person (this is not provided by the camp or included in your ale fees). We will have both meat and vegetarian options. In addition, the camp will provide light munchies through the evening.

We will be contacting everyone by email who said they needed transportation assistance. If you need it and don't here from us, please contact us ASAP.

Likewise we will send the menu to everyone who indicated they had special dietary considerations (vegetarians are just not that special anymore). If the menu is in anyway unworkable for you, please let us know ASAP and we will see how we can accommodate you. But it looks like everyone should be able to eat plenty of what’s there.

Stuff to Bring

  • kit
  • instruments
  • songbooks
  • set lists
  • camera
  • earplugs (snoring is a fact of life)
  • beer mug (non breakable)
That other stuff:
  • clothes (bring a jacket; it gets chilly at night)
  • bedding (beds are bunk house style mattresses)
  • towel (all hoopy froods know where this is anyway)
  • fragrance-free toiletries*
  • alarm clock
  • refillable water bottle
  • flashlight & batteries (if you don’t like walking back to your cabin in the dark)
  • cash
  • extra libations of your own choosing
  • sunscreen (we have special ordered the sunshine for you).

*One of our guests is highly allergic to lavender. Please refrain from bringing or using any personal products containing lavender for the weekend. We also have a few folks sensitive to perfumes – your consideration with this is greatly appreciated


Friday 3:00p Check-in begins - arrive at camp any time after this
  6:30p-ish Dinner is served (watch out for poison)
  Afternoon We can do a workshop on Kirtlington before or after dinner if folks are interested, or on anything else if someone volunteers.
  9:30p-ish Teaching of Mass Dances
Saturday 7:30a-8:30a Breakfast at the camp
  9:00a Busses arrive and tours depart
  6:30p Return to camp
  8:00p Feast at the camp (be prepared with your mysterious explanations)
  Afterwards Dancing as long as you can keep the musicians awake (or on autopilot)
Sunday 8:00a Morning stretch and pie workshop hosted by Amy Baldwin of Mad Molly - suggested donation is 99 cents.
  8:30a Breakfast
  9:00a Squires round table - suggested top is "recruitment"
  9:30a-ish Workshops if someone wants to teach something
  11:00a Break camp
  Noon BJs Pub, Oxnard for lunch on your own


Here's the Saturday tours schedule:

"Moriarty Tour"
(teams TBD)
"Mycroft Tour"
(teams TBD)
9a SHARP! Departure - Bus must leave on time
10a Karma Stop
11a Oxnard
12.30p - 2.30p Lunch & Massed Show - Ventura, Figueroa Plaza
3p Oxnard
4p -  5:30p Pub stop
9a SHARP! Departure - Bus must leave on time
10a Karma stop
11a Oxnard
12.30p - 2.30p Lunch & Massed Show - Ventura, Figueroa Plaza
3p Oxnard
4p -  5:30p Pub stop


We may need help shuttling our out-of-town friends on Sunday to the pub stop and onwards to the airports.  There will be a sign-up sheet at the registration desk to hook up those who can offer rides with those who need them.

Need more info?
Visit us here at