Beyond the Pale Ale

(The 2007 California Morris Ale)

Hosted by Berkeley Morris

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A Little History

Ales were annual springtime celebrations which attracted folks from all over a shire. From the 17th thru 19th centuries they were held at numerous locations around England. Morris was one of the centerpiece sports at the ales. These 20th and 21st century ales revive the conditions under which the Morris thrived.

The California Ale has been a proud tradition with hosting shared by many teams from around the state.  Here's some of the past ales (and we welcome any info to help fill in the gaps):

Dates Title Hosted by
2008, August 14-16 Upsc'Ale Seabright Morris and Sword of Santa Cruz
2008, April 25-27 Ale'election Central Rising Phoenix Morris of Los Angeles
2007, April 13-15 Beyond the Pale Ale Berkeley Morris
2006, April 14-16 The Tropic'Ale Rising Phoenix Morris of Los Angeles
2005, April 22-24 A Wabbit's T'ale Faultline Morris, FFL Morris, and White Rats Morris of the San Francisco Bay Area
2004, April 23-25 Duck University Sunset Morris Men of Santa Monica
2003 (no ale this year)  
2002, April 5-7 Raiders of the Lost Duck Sunset Morris Men of Santa Monica
2001, April 13-15 Ale'ien Invasion Berkeley Morris
2000, April 14-16 Casino Roy'Ale Pennyroyal Morris of Santa Monica
1999, November 5-7 North of the Border Ale Moreton Bay Fig Morris of San Diego
1998, April 10-12 Roll Out the Bear'Ale Berkeley Morris
1997, April 25-27 VirtuAle Seabright Morris and Sword of Santa Cruz
1996, April 12-14 Duck and Cover Sunset Morris and Pennyroyal Morris of Santa Monica
1995, April 21-23 Holy Gr'Ale Berkeley Morris
1994 (no ale this year)  
1993, May 7-9 Pterodactale, Ptoo! Mayfield Morris & Sword, Deer Creek Morris Men, and Fools' Choice Morris of Palo Alto
1992, April 24-26 The Lame Duck Sunset Morris and Pennyroyal Morris of Santa Monica
1991 Quakes and Ale Berkeley Morris
1990, April 20-22 The Duck, Take II Sunset Morris and Pennyroyal Morris of Santa Monica
1989 Pterodactale Palo Alto teams
1988, April 8-10 The Sunset Duck Sunset Morris Men of Los Angeles
1987, August Malt and Malted Ale Berkeley Morris

Thanks and a hat tip to Steve Allen of Seabright Morris who compiled the initial information thru 1998.

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